

SenCharts is a JavaScript charting library you can use to easily build and customize powerful interactive charts with zooming and panning features. It offers responsive and cleanly rendered SVG-based charts through a highly programmable API. Built with HTML 5 and ECMAScript 6 standards, it is compatible with modern web browsers.


The library currently supports:

How It Works

See the Installation options to add the library to your projects and kickstart your experience with SenCharts.
A chart is created and appended to a DOM element refered to as the context. You then input the data you want to plot and use the layout properties to customize your chart. Afterwards, you call chart functions to display the whole data or just a range of it. Zooming and panning features let you explore the data through the chart.


Support for other types of charts is under development and will be added to future versions. We are also working on a WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) version for desktop applications. So stay tuned.


Our GitHub page is there for experience sharing and any issues you may encounter. Feel free to participate in our comment section too.
