

A Title object defines how a title is included in a chart. Set the text property to a non-empty string to add the title. Leave the property empty to omit it. A title can be added on top of a chart or along an axis.


The following properties can be set:

Property Definition Type Default
text The title's text String ''
style The text's style TextStyle { color: 'black', fontSize: 10, fontWeight: 'normal', fontFamily: 'system-ui, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif"'}


In this example, we give the chart and both axes a title. The chart's title is customized. Titles of the axes are left with their default style.

                        //chart title
                        chart.layout.title = {
                            text: 'Chart Title',
                            style: {
                                fontSize: 16,
                                fontWeight: 'bold',
                                fontFamily: 'Georgia, serif'
                        //X-axis title
                        chart.layout.xAxis.title.text = 'X-axis Title';
                        //Y-axis title
                        chart.layout.yAxis.title.text = 'Y-axis Title';
